Swipe over photo to view image gallery. Images provided by the Junta Local Fallera de Dénia.
What are the Fallas?
What are the Fallas?
The "Fallas" is the most universal festival in the Comunitat Valenciana, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. They are celebrated in March and their origin dates back to the middle of the 18th century with the tradition of improvising bonfires with old furniture to celebrate the arrival of spring, coinciding with the celebration of Saint Joseph’s Day, patron saint of carpenters.
Its name alludes to the spectacular and handmade monuments made of wood and papier mâché, that are exhibited in the streets and squares of the cities where this festival is celebrated. These can be admired before being burned on March 19th, depicting scenes that include satirical criticism of current affairs, public and local figures.
In Denia there are a total of eleven "fallas" neighborhoods or districts, in which each commission usually exhibits a large falla and a children´s falla, of smaller size. Also the Local Falla Committe installs monuments that do not participate in the prize contest.
The falles are usually divided into two sections: the special section formed by large monuments, to which the commissions allocate greater monetary budget, and the first section more modest monuments, but not less beautiful.
A great variety of events and activities fill the streets of Dénia with music, art and creativity, color, gunpowder, tradition and fun.

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2025 Programme
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2025 Programme
Highlights of the "Fallas" in Dénia
Highlights of the "Fallas" in Dénia